Quantum mechanics
Sakurai, J. J., & Napolitano, J. (2021). Modern quantum mechanics (3rd ed). Cambridge University Press.
For me, the best graduate-level QM book. Precise and concise. (And the exercises are very carefully designed.)
Townsend, J. S. (2012). A modern approach to quantum mechanics (2nd ed). University Science Books. (There is a cheaper Indian edition)
An easier version of Sakurai's book.
Griffiths, D. J., & Schroeter, D. F. (2018). Introduction to quantum mechanics (Third edition). Cambridge University Press.
A solid undergrad-level textbook. The chapter on solutions to time-independent Schrödinger equation is neat. (Though for learning the formalism, I prefer Sakurai's book.)
Gasiorowicz, S. (1974). Quantum physics. New York, Wiley.
It's at Griffiths's level and comes with several detailed examples. Though not as popular, it does provide a solid introduction.
Flügge, S. (1999). Practical quantum mechanics. Springer.
It teaches QM through problem-solving. The problems are not easy, but by solving them, you can learn a lot and gain confidence.
Shankar, R. (1994). Principles of quantum mechanics (2nd ed). Plenum Press.
I love this book! The chapters on rotational invariance, addition of angular momenta, scattering theory, and path integral are particularly good.
Das, A. (2006). Field Theory: A Path Integral Approach (2nd ed., Vol. 75). WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
For the path integral formalism of QM, the first few chapters of Ashok Das's book provide a pedagogic introduction.
Courses on YouTube
Lectures on Quantum Computing.
It's very much worth watching despite the poor recording quality.
Introduction to Quantum Information Science by Artur Ekert.
Ekert is a patient teacher. The accompanying free book is useful, too.
Quantum entanglement by Mark Wilde