

References to translations of Shankaracharya's commentaries on the three canonical series of texts of Vedanta—Upanishad, Bramhasutra, and Gita. Almost all Shankaracharya's commentaries, along with his hymns and other writings, are now made available online—in original Sanskrit—by Shringeri math.


1) Shankaracharya (1957). Eight Upanisads Vol 1 (S. Gambhirananda, Trans.). Advaita Ashrama.
2) Shankaracharya (1957). Eight Upanisads Vol 2 (S. Gambhirananda, Trans.). Advaita Ashrama.
Accurate, concise english translations of Shankaracharya's commentaries on eight of the principal upanishads: Isa, Kena, Katha, Taittariya (vol. 1) and Aitareya, Mundaka, Mandukya (with Karika), Prasna (vol. 2).
1) Isshadi Nau Upnishad Shankar Bhashya Sahit
2) Chandogya Upanishad
3) Brihadaranyak Upanishad
Gita Press, Gorakhpur
Hindi translation of the commentaries of Shankaracharya of eleven principal upanishads. Excellent, nuanced translations.


Vishwarupananda, S. (1997). Vedanta Darshan (4 volumes, in Bengali). Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata.
A complete, heavily annotated bengali translation of the Shankaracharya's commentary of the Bramha Sutra. The footnotes are often useful, particularly to clarify doubts regarding Mimansa and Nyaya.
Shankaracharya (1956). Bramhasutra Bhasya (Sw. Gambhirananda, Trans.). Advaita Ashrama.
Accurate english translation of Shankaracharya's commentary.


Swami, Gambhirananda (1984). Bhagavad Gita: With the commentary of Shankaracharya. Advaita Ashrama.
English translation
Shrimad Bhagwat Gita (ShankarBhashya Hindi Anuvad Sahit) (2022). Gita Press, Gorakhpur.
Hindi translation